As we celebrate our 5 year anniversary tomorrow I thought it was about time we shared our love story with you all and highlight some key things we have learned over the years.
Here are FIVE things we have learned in our marriage:
Love at first sight… well swipe. It was a true tinderella love story. No, but really. We love sharing how we met because if it weren’t for a silly dating app called Tinder we never would have met and be where we are today! I will always remember the moment I walked towards Drake for the first time. I felt like I was hit by a train, I wanted to run! Why? Because I knew if I kept walking I would be saying hello to my future husband. Whoah! 20 year old Liana was no where near ready to be a wife, but for the first time ever in his arms I felt like I was coming home. Two weeks later we bought a ring, 4 months later we were engaged and then 4 more months passed and were married!
Trusting in Gods timing. Things were not always easy, but it taught us incredible patience. It taught us that God will always provide what we need exactly when we need it. From job promotions, the blessing of a healthy baby girl, and a forever home He always kept surprising us with exactly what we needed. My heart has always been to stay home and raise our children (something we never imagined would be possible) and now here I am working from home with my almost two year old on my lap “helping” me write this blog.
Never stop dating and always communicate. I am sure you have heard this one before, but it is so true! People assume we never fight or never get sick of each other… we do. But it is all about how you handle it. Drake and I have learned to communicate, let me rephrase… we have learned to over communicate. We dont let issues go unresolved and we talk about everything. It is also a priority to still go out on dates, drop Emery off at my parents for the night and continue surprising each other with gifts or clean dishes.
In sickness and in health. The part of your vows you dont really understand until you live through it. For the first 3 years of our marriage I was very sick with no answers and no hope of getting better. Drake held my hand through every difficult appointment, through starting and stopping medications, through every disappointment. There were so many times he lifted me off the couch or the floor because I no longer had the strength to walk from our living room to our bedroom at the end of the day. We are so thankful that my pregnancy with Emery put my body into an unexplainable remission and we pray it never returns. But being able to love each other when life is easy isn’t always everyone’s happy ever after. Being able to love each other when things are at their worst… that is unconditional love.
Community is our lifeline(parenting is hard… friends help, and beer is good) But really. Community didn’t come naturally, it was something we intentionally sought out and it took a lot of time. We love our church community, the group of people we do life with every week, and our close friends and family. This is so important in a marriage! Don’t isolate yourself from others, but more importantly find friends that support your marriage.
Our love story is unique and it will forever be my favorite. Bride’s to be I hope there is something you can take away from our 5 years of marriage. We are no way experts in marriage, but we are best friends and are madly in love so there is something to be said about that. I can’t wait to reflect back in 10, 20, 30 years from now.
Drake Heims,
You are my rock and a freaking AMAZING dad! Watching you care for me and Emery will always bring me so much joy. You serve and lead us so well. I am thankful I swiped right on that stupid app and for saying yes to marrying you. Cheers to many more years of adventures. I love being your wife!
Photos all done by the amazing Cassandra Roos (Fieldstone Photography)